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Helping you take care of your muscles.


Needing Flu Help

Stomach pain hangover cureGetting sick with the flu can quickly ruin a vacation in Key West, spoiling your fun in the water and nights on Duval Street. The flu can be classified by a combination of miserable symptoms, including muscle pain, bronchial cough, dehydration, fatigue, fever, head congestion, nausea, sore throat, and many others.

As small as viruses are, they can have a profound effect on your body as they hijack your normal, healthy cells and multiply within them, giving you that awful “death” sensation.

The IV Solution for the Flu

Side effects of the flu can vary slightly from person to person, depending on an individual’s immune system and level of exposure to the virus. Many over-the-counter medicines do well in treating the flu’s symptoms, but merely masking an infection can still ruin your chances of a good vacation. Alcohol consumption significantly weakens the immune system, making it harder for your body to kill the virus.

However, knowing how to prevent and manage the flu, not just the symptoms, is essential to put up a good fight and could be the difference between having a great Key West vacation or spending a week watching TV in your hotel room.

The best way to beat the flu quickly is to get proper hydration, vitamins, and minerals that help bolster the immune system and support your recovery time. Though proper rest and rehydration over a week can help rid yourself of the flu, you may still be missing out on essential nutrients that your body simply isn’t absorbing.

Our Flu Solution

To overcome your flu and all of its symptoms, we have created hydration and nutrient-rich therapy via an IV that supports your body and assists in the killing of the flu virus.

Not only do you get hydrated and receive all of the necessary vitamins and minerals you need, but all of them get processed through your body in a 45-minute treatment.

To restore your body to optimal functional levels to fight the flu full force, our IVs are filled with:

  • B vitamins
  • Vitamin C
  • magnesium for stomach pain
  • And more

The great thing is that the treatment is easy, relaxing, and you get to stay where you are to receive relief. So before you write your final testament, we will see what we can do for you first.

Call Today! (305) 912-4911

Hangovers suck. Get relief now!     CALL 305.912.4911


Incredible! I thought I had just wasted another day. They IV-ed me, and 35 minutes later I felt incredible!

The headache is gone and I feel more energized. It’s like waking up from a little nap.


The flu can turn what was supposed to be a week of fun into an awful experience, leaving you achy, exhausted, and unable to enjoy your normal activities. There is no reason, though, to suffer through the flu unnecessarily while enjoying your time in Key West. When you call Hangover Hospital, you can go back to life as normal or return to your wonderful Key West vacation in no time. Call us and let us help you today!


We also offer different types of health services to make your fun in the Key Sun last. We’ll help you to get the most out of your trip to Paradise by making sure you feel great.

Sunburn Relief

Trade Show Recovery

Flu Relief

Athletic Performance

High Dose Vitamin C

Athletic Recovery

Migraine Relief

Meyers Cocktail


Oxygen Therapy 30 minutes

Medical grade oxygen therapy eases the pain of alcohol overindulgence, while also calming headaches and migraines.

B12 Shot

A B-12 shot can minimize hangovers by helping the body break down alcohol, and it provides a boost of energy to power you through the night!

Super B Vitamin
Complex Booster

This injection of 5 separate B Vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5,and B6) increases the body’s metabolism, burns stubborn belly fat, and provides the energy needed to conquer Duval Street.

B12+ Super B Vitamin Complex Booster

Get your maximum vitamin B benefit!