Sun Hangovers
Sunburns (or as we like to call them “sun hangovers”) are a result of prolonged exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (a.k.a. UV) rays. You can’t feel UV rays as they hit your skin, but everyone knows that a sunburn hurts after the fact.
The reason sunburns suck is because the sun has destroyed your skin and manipulated its DNA. Your body recognizes this, sends extra blood and fluids to the affected area, and gives you that nice red color everyone is familiar with. They are painful because of your skin becoming inflamed with these extra fluids. Some of the sunburns we have seen in Key West are so bad that they have even caused blisters.
Sun Effects
Whether you are in Key West to relax, get a tan, or to play in the water for hours, it is important to be careful of too much sun exposure. Severe sunburns can cause sun poisoning, which includes some side effects like dizziness, fever, intense pain, chills, nausea or vomiting, or headaches so bad that you can barely move.
Though sunburns and sun poisoning really blow, they can be treated and managed so that you feel rejuvenated enough to keep enjoying your vacation.
Heals quicker
Relieves pain now
Reduces Inflammation
Hangovers suck. Get relief now! CALL 305.912.4911
Incredible! I thought I had just wasted another day. They IV-ed me, and 35 minutes later I felt incredible!
The headache is gone and I feel more energized. It’s like waking up from a little nap.
Once the damage is done, you can’t get rid of a sunburn until your body sluffs off the dead skin, but you can speed up the process and get rid of the pain quickly with our services. The key is to hydrate your body inside and outside. Hydrating your insides will help to reduce the inflammation (the main cause of the pain), and hydrating the sunburned area will make it less sensitive to sun or touch. When you call us for our Key West sunburn cure, we will provide you with an IV to get you hydrated quickly with a 100% absorption rate while we also apply hydrating salves to the skin. The treatment is easy and relaxing, and you will be able to get back to your vacation in less than an hour.
The best cure for a sunburn is to not get one at all, of course, so we recommend plenty of shade and applications of sunscreen while you are out under the Key West sun, but if you do get a sunburn, we will help you take care of it quickly.
Why You Should Call Us
Sunburns can really screw up a great vacation if they go untreated, but there is no reason to suffer while you are in Key West. Our sunburn treatments are affordable and our team is composed of really talented, experienced professionals who have placed thousands of IVs in critical situations. There is no faster or more effective way to get rid of your sunburn pains, just as there is no group of sunburn and hangover experts in the Keys as good as our team. Deciding to relieve your pain now is choosing to reclaim your vacation. Call us and let us help you enjoy the rest of your vacation in Key West!
We also offer different types of health services to make your fun in the Key Sun last. We’ll help you to get the most out of your trip to Paradise by making sure you feel great.
Oxygen Therapy 30 minutes
Medical grade oxygen therapy eases the pain of alcohol overindulgence, while also calming headaches and migraines.
B12 Shot
A B-12 shot can minimize hangovers by helping the body break down alcohol, and it provides a boost of energy to power you through the night!
Super B Vitamin
Complex Booster
This injection of 5 separate B Vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5,and B6) increases the body’s metabolism, burns stubborn belly fat, and provides the energy needed to conquer Duval Street.
B12+ Super B Vitamin Complex Booster
Get your maximum vitamin B benefit!