Although no nutritionist would recommend excessive drinking, almost everyone has been there. Waking up the following morning with a dry mouth, headache, irritated skin, and feeling less than prepared to face the day becomes the norm after drinking.
While there is no immediate remedy for a hangover, drinking plenty of water and consuming the right foods can help you get through the day. Antioxidant-rich, vitamin-rich, and mineral-rich ingredients are suitable for assisting with it.
In the meantime, let us take you through some of the best hangover cure smoothies.
Banana Smoothie
Are you seeking a fast energy boost to get your day started? This nutritious and tasty banana hangover smoothie will make you feel refreshed, alert, and motivated.
Due to their creamy and thick texture, bananas are high in potassium and are among the most common smoothie ingredients. Bananas, whether fresh or frozen, add a lot of nutrients and flavor to every smoothie mix.
To make it, you will require one banana, kiwi, avocado, lemon, a handful of fresh mint, water, as well as one tablespoon of honey, chia seeds, and a ½ cup of coconut milk. This smoothie has a portion of everything, from the fruits (vitamins) to the avocado and chia seeds (proteins). The honey replenishes sugar levels, adding sweetness to the smoothie, while the fresh mint and coconut milk add flavor to smooth everything.
Orange Ginger Smoothie
Irrespective of your ailment, ginger is praised for its multiple healing properties. Ginger has been used in many cooking recipes since earlier civilizations but is still well-known for its medical benefits.
Ginger’s capacity to relieve nausea, suppress vomiting, and treat other digestive problems is one of its most prominent characteristics. These symptoms are strikingly similar to those of a hangover.
Try a tasty ginger smoothie rather than looking for another drink to relieve the discomfort of your hangover. It combines ginger and citrus to counter nausea, enhance your body’s protein, potassium, vitamin D, and C levels.
Ingredients required include a banana and orange (frozen or fresh), one and two tablespoons of vanilla, and minced ginger. Also, add a cup of Greek yogurt, ½ cup cold green tea or water, and, if necessary, some frozen fruits to make your smoothie thicker.
Lemon Blueberry Smoothie
Citrus fruits, such as lemons and oranges, are among the most nutrient-dense fruits available, making them an ideal complement to any hangover smoothie. Try out this hangover smoothie recipe if you are searching for something with a little more kick and various ingredients. It provides a balance of vegetables, blueberries, and citrus fruits, all rich in antioxidants.
The recipe includes ½ banana, ½ coconut water cup, ½ ginger root, 3 cups of spinach, 1 cup of frozen blueberries, and blended lemon juice. The banana and frozen blueberries make your smoothie thick to coat your belly and alleviate nausea. Spinach enhances your energy, while lemon juice, banana, and blueberries add a tasty flavor.
Do not let the awful symptoms of a hangover keep you from being productive or engaging in the things you love. After hydrating enough, take one of these vitamin-rich smoothies, which are filled with antioxidants and nutrients to help the body rid itself of toxins and get you back together again. If you fail to find relief from these hangover cure smoothies, or your hangover symptoms do not seem to fade away even after 24 hours, it is best to contact Hangover Hospital Key West for professional care.